MGM, with its 30-years experience, is able to design, realize and install various types of industrial plants, in addition to dealing with supply and design of water and energy puridifation plants.

Thanks to our highly-qualified technical team, we develop afresh production equipment, according to principal’s requests and specific needs, aside from having a whole order setion  of product and equipment ready for delivery.

We realize reaction and mixing plants, but also metallical structures, piping, tanks of any size and other high-tech products, regularly inspected in compliance with legislation.


MGM is addressed to chemical-pharmaceutical companies

developing and producing each industral plant, both newly built and already existent. The company is responsible for the construction of chemical plants, realizing reaction plants and mixing plants, tanks and other devices, within the guidelines accorded at the design stage.

MGM has all the equipment necessary to install plants directly on the site: each operation is carried out by a team composed of qualified technicals, followed and led by a yard manager, and makes provision for a test stage, aimed at ensuring proper functioning and safety of workers.


MGM produces industrial plants

for cosmetics industry, and boasts a large number of collaboration with national and international companies. We efficiently follow each project stage: from the analysis of production needs, to design, monitoring and testing.

MGM develops original equipment, such as reactors and mixers, in addition to having a large number of already existing chemical plants: pillars, pumps, powder mixers and other highly-performing, state-of-the-art devices, that guarantee perfect results in terms of costs and organization. Thanks to its competence in the area, the copany will meet any specific principal’s request, in compliance with legislation.

MGM provides and realizes also water and energy purification plants, addressed to different production sectors. Always environmentally-friendly and careful about low-impact materials, the Company live up to heightened expectations, providing consultancy and assistance, and providing for devices installation.

Plants are designed to increase productivity and improveworking conditions, thanks to the use of state-of-the-art techniques, checks and inspections carried out before delivery.

MGM provides progressive and functional solutions also for alimentary industry, dealing with design of both industrial plants and connected equipment. Tanks, powder mixers, stills, dessicators and others. Our catalogue is incredibly wide, in order to meet any request at best. A team of qualified technicals provides assistance from the early stages, discussing together production objectives and needs. Our team is available also after delivery for maintenance (ordinary and extraordinary) of plants, fixing quickly any damaged part, through replacement with original parts.

Contact us for further information!
